影响因子 > > 人文学科及交叉学科
ESCI-(人文学科及交叉学科)-HUMANITIES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY总共收录有260“种期刊,本学科内部份期刊自2020年开始为JCR收录。
 期刊名称 ISSN 影响因子 Pindex
Journal of the Institute of Conservation 1945-5224 0.886 0.056
Journal of Urban Culture Research 2228-8279 0.575 0.616
Kamchatka-Revista de Analisis Cultural 2340-1869 0.393 0.038
Konstantinove Listy-Constantines Letters 1337-8740 0.457 0.115
Koot-Revista de Museologia 2078-0664 0.067 0.994
KronoScope-Journal for the Study of Time 1567-715X 0.751 0.262
Kultur-Revista Interdisciplinaria sobre la Cultura de la Ciutat 2386-5458 0.059 0.299
Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 2313-4895 0.657 0.704
Lares-Quadrimestrale di Studi Demoetnoantropologici 0023-8503 0.053 0.344
Latin Americanist 1557-2021 0.374 0.320
Letras-Lima 0378-4878 0.363 0.509
Libros de la Corte 1989-6425 0.181 0.680
Literature and Aesthetics 1036-9368 0.193 0.144
Logos-Journal of the World Publishing Community 0957-9656 0.176 0.329
Logos-Revista de Linguistica Filosofia y Literatura 0716-7520 0.267 0.054
Lusotopie 1257-0273 0.176 0.087
Luxury-History Culture Consumption 2051-1817 0.257 0.007
Manuscript Studies-A Journal of the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies 2381-5329 0.262 0.811
Mediterranean Studies 1074-164X 0.064 0.046
Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication 1873-9857 0.289 0.456
Miranda 2108-6559 0.187 0.066
Miscelanea de Estudios Arabes y Hebraicos-Seccion Arabe-Islam 1696-5868 0.060 0.855
Miscelanea de Estudios Arabes y Hebraicos-Seccion Hebreo 1696-585X 0.153 0.045
Mitologias Hoy-Revista de Pensamiento Critica y Estudios Literarios Latinoamericanos 2014-1130 0.175 0.086
Mortality 1357-6275 0.854 0.355
Mundo Eslavo-Journal of Slavic Studies 1579-8372 0.178 0.666
MUSEOLOGIA SCIENTIFICA 1123-265X 0.159 0.680
Museums & Social Issues-A Journal of Reflective Discourse 1559-6893 0.050 0.506
Muzeologia a Kulturne Dedicstvo-Museology and Cultural Heritage 1339-2204 0.382 0.874
Naharaim 1862-9148 0.171 0.299

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