影响因子 > > 国际关系
ESCI-(国际关系)-INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS总共收录有64“种期刊,本学科内部份期刊自2020年开始为JCR收录。
 期刊名称 ISSN 影响因子 Pindex
International Negotiation-A Journal of Theory and Practice 1382-340X 0.599 0.100
International Spectator 0393-2729 1.774 0.222
IPRI Journal 1684-9787 0.154 0.601
ISSUES & STUDIES 1013-2511 0.492 0.062
Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament N/A 0.791 0.996
Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs 2347-7970 0.965 0.527
Journal of Global Security Studies 2057-3170 1.652 0.871
Journal of Human Rights Practice 1757-9619 1.077 0.831
Journal of International Studies-JIS 1823-691X 0.855 0.180
Journal of Military and Strategic Studies 1488-559X 0.176 0.714
Korean Journal of International Studies 2233-470X 0.595 0.789
Meridiano 47-Journal of Global Studies 1518-1219 0.187 0.395
Mexico y la Cuenca del Pacifico 1665-0174 0.063 0.189
MGIMO Review of International Relations 2071-8160 0.270 0.164
Mirovaya Ekonomika i Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniya 0131-2227 0.491 0.027
Naval War College Review 0028-1484 0.455 0.484
OASIS-Observatorio de Analisis de los Sistemas Internacionales 1657-7558 0.370 0.211
Obrana a Strategie-Defence & Strategy 1214-6463 0.259 0.211
Peace Review-A Journal of Social Justice 1040-2659 0.173 0.211
Relaciones Internacionales 1515-3371 0.350 0.211
Relaciones Internacionales-Madrid 1699-3950 0.153 0.211
Revista CIDOB d Afers Internationals 1133-6595 0.896 0.211
Revista de Estudios en Seguridad Internacional-RESI N/A 0.386 0.211
Revista UNISCI N/A 0.381 0.211
Romanian Journal of European Affairs 1582-8271 0.470 0.211
Science & Global Security 0892-9882 0.772 0.211
Si Somos Americanos-Revista de Estudios Transfronterizos 0718-2910 0.457 0.211
Small Wars and Insurgencies 0959-2318 0.878 0.211
South African Journal of International Affairs-SAJIA 1022-0461 1.153 0.211
Stability-International Journal of Security and Development 2165-2627 1.262 0.211

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