影响因子 > > 语言与语言学
ESCI-(语言与语言学)-LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS总共收录有180“种期刊,本学科内部份期刊自2020年开始为JCR收录。
 期刊名称 ISSN 影响因子 Pindex
Hrvatski Dijalektoloski Zbornik 0439-691X 0.297 0.354
International Journal of Chinese Linguistics 2213-8706 0.166 0.254
International Journal of English Studies 1578-7044 0.656 0.056
International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 2215-1478 1.184 0.100
International Review of Pragmatics 1877-3095 0.861 0.392
Internet Pragmatics 2542-3851 1.162 0.704
Italiano LinguaDue 2037-3597 0.382 0.014
Italica Belgradensia 0353-4766 0.181 0.104
ITL-International Journal of Applied Linguistics 0019-0829 2.379 0.092
Jezikoslovlje 1331-7202 0.377 0.725
Jordan Journal of Modern Languages & Literature 1994-6953 0.250 0.693
Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 2191-9216 0.880 0.738
Journal of Greek Linguistics 1566-5844 0.565 0.898
Journal of Historical Linguistics 2210-2116 0.796 0.139
Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics 2199-2894 0.367 0.318
Journal of Jewish Languages 2213-4387 0.354 0.817
Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict 2213-1272 1.191 0.758
Journal of Language and Literacy Education 1559-9035 0.556 0.034
Journal of Language and Sexuality 2211-3770 2.180 0.059
Journal of Language Contact 1877-4091 0.471 0.678
Journal of Language Evolution 2058-4571 2.671 0.300
Journal of Latin Linguistics 2194-8739 0.471 0.504
Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 0259-0131 0.300 0.548
Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 1645-4537 0.284 0.690
Journal of Second Language Studies 2542-3835 1.079 0.531
Journal of Slavic Linguistics 1068-2090 0.173 0.539
Journal of the International Network for Korean Language and Culture N/A 0.175 0.073
Korean Language in America 2332-0346 0.857 0.454
Korean Linguistics 0257-3784 0.037 0.538
LaborHistorico 2359-6910 0.061 0.656

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