影响因子 > > 法律
 期刊名称 ISSN 影响因子 Pindex
Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal 1999-9747 0.785 0.438
Criminal Law and Philosophy 1871-9791 0.577 0.536
Criminal Law Forum 1046-8374 0.482 0.536
CRIMINAL LAW JOURNAL 0314-1160 0.599 0.678
Croatian Yearbook of European Law & Policy 1845-5662 0.456 0.314
Cuadernos Electronicos de Filosofia del Derecho 1138-9877 0.173 0.226
Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto 1130-8354 0.579 0.226
De Jure Law Journal 1466-3597 0.161 0.820
Derecho Penal y Criminologia 0121-0483 0.169 0.298
Derecho PUCP 0251-3420 0.167 0.102
Derecho y Ciencias Sociales 1853-0982 0.190 0.102
Derechos y Libertades 1133-0937 0.261 0.102
Direito e Praxis 2179-8966 0.300 0.156
Diritti Umani e Diritto Internazionale 1971-7105 0.155 0.601
Dixi 0124-7255 0.169 0.745
Droit et Cultures 0247-9788 0.281 0.075
EC Tax Review 0928-2750 0.656 0.489
Edinburgh Law Review 1364-9809 0.370 0.051
EJournal of Tax Research 1448-2398 0.390 0.060
Election Law Journal 1533-1296 1.253 0.341
e-Legal History Review 1699-5317 0.052 0.086
Environmental and Planning Law Journal 0813-300X 0.672 0.850
Estudios de Derecho 0120-1867 0.171 0.798
European Company and Financial Law Review 1613-2548 0.683 0.080
European Company Law 1572-4999 0.396 0.292
European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance 2213-4506 0.563 0.032
European Journal of Crime Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 0928-9569 1.399 0.393
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH LAW 0929-0273 0.862 0.987
European Journal of Legal Studies N/A 0.693 0.241
European Journal of Risk Regulation 1867-299X 2.964 0.683

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