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 期刊名称 ISSN 影响因子 Pindex
AIMS Neuroscience 2373-8006 2.781 0.801
Alzheimer s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring N/A 5.387 0.885
Alzheimers & Dementia-Translational Research & Clinical Interventions N/A 4.893 0.908
Annals of Neurosciences 0972-7531 1.594 0.092
Archives of Neuroscience 2322-3944 0.676 0.164
Basic and Clinical Neuroscience 2008-126X 1.774 0.078
Brain Circulation 2394-8108 1.970 0.009
Brain Communications N/A 4.889 0.232
BRAIN-Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience 2067-3957 2.352 0.609
Brain-Computer Interfaces 2326-263X 2.179 0.528
Clinical Neurophysiology Practice 2467-981X 1.782 0.607
Clocks & Sleep N/A 3.171 0.715
Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports N/A 1.761 0.267
Current Developmental Disorders Reports N/A 2.097 0.621
Egyptian Journal of Neurology Psychiatry and Neurosurgery 1687-8329 1.358 0.115
Eneurobiologia 2007-3054 0.067 0.011
IBRO Neuroscience Reports 2667-2421 1.586 0.078
IBRO Reports 2451-8301 2.656 0.011
Indian Journal of Neurotrauma 0973-0508 0.252 0.818
International Journal of Tryptophan Research 1178-6469 4.450 0.094
Journal of Alzheimers Disease Reports N/A 3.261 0.234
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement 2509-3290 2.295 0.107
Journal of Huntingtons Disease 1879-6397 3.188 0.563
Nature Aging N/A 16.660 0.818
Neurobiology of Language 2641-4368 3.253 0.211
Neurology Research International 2090-1852 1.585 0.211
Neuropsychopharmacology Reports N/A 2.553 0.211
Neuroscience Insights N/A 3.673 0.211
Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics 1312-6431 0.161 0.211
Neurotrauma Reports N/A 2.471 0.211

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