影响因子 > > 教育与教育研究
ESCI-(教育与教育研究)-EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH总共收录有774“种期刊,本学科内部份期刊自2020年开始为JCR收录。
 期刊名称 ISSN 影响因子 Pindex
Education Sciences N/A 3.082 0.252
Educational Action Research 0965-0792 1.259 0.252
Educational Assessment 1062-7197 1.566 0.713
EDUCATIONAL FORUM 0013-1725 1.363 0.713
Educational Media International 0952-3987 1.854 0.742
Educational Research and Evaluation 1380-3611 1.494 0.913
Educational Research for Policy and Practice 1570-2081 1.886 0.913
Educational Research for Social Change 2221-4070 0.599 0.695
Educational Studies-AESA 0013-1946 0.990 0.513
EDUCATIONAL THEORY 0013-2004 1.080 0.654
Eduweb-Revista de Tecnologia de Informacion y Comunicacion en Educacion 1856-7576 0.452 0.022
E-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching 1835-9132 0.867 0.183
E-Learning and Digital Media N/A 1.969 0.236
Electronic Journal of e-Learning 1479-4403 2.260 0.186
E-Mentor 1731-6758 0.489 0.419
Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training N/A 1.371 0.717
Encounters in Theory and History of Education 1494-4936 0.455 0.910
English Teaching and Learning 1023-7267 1.663 0.113
Ensayos-Revista de la Facultad de Educacion de Albacete 0214-4824 0.483 0.217
Enunciacion 0122-6339 0.193 0.267
Equity & Excellence in Education 1066-5684 2.697 0.419
Espacio Tiempo y Educacion 2340-7263 0.369 0.296
Espacios en Blanco-Serie Indagaciones 1515-9485 0.295 0.468
Espiral-Cuadernos del Profesorado 1988-7701 0.664 0.947
Estudios Sobre Educacion 1578-7001 1.365 0.531
ETD Educacao Tematica Digital 1676-2592 0.269 0.199
Ethics and Education 1744-9642 0.989 0.052
Ethnography and Education 1745-7823 0.559 0.081
Etic net-Revista Cientifica Electronica de Educacion y Comunicacion en la Sociedad del Conocimiento 1695-324X 0.290 0.561
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 1302-597X 0.958 0.697

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