影响因子 > > 计算机理论与方法
ESCI-(计算机理论与方法)-COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS总共收录有34“种期刊,本学科内部份期刊自2020年开始为JCR收录。
 期刊名称 ISSN 影响因子 Pindex
3C Tic 2254-6529 0.484 0.728
ACM Transactions on Computation Theory 1942-3454 0.759 0.901
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing 2329-4949 1.700 0.225
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae Informatica 1844-6086 0.388 0.359
Algorithms N/A 2.350 0.021
Applied Computer Systems 2255-8683 1.083 0.473
Applied Network Science N/A 2.253 0.160
Big Data and Cognitive Computing N/A 3.788 0.533
Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science 0252-9742 0.051 0.262
CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing 2524-4922 0.996 0.257
Computer Science Journal of Moldova 1561-4042 0.369 0.485
Computer Science-AGH 1508-2806 0.585 0.480
Cryptography N/A 1.690 0.897
Data Science and Engineering 2364-1185 4.288 0.277
Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science 1551-305X 0.065 0.122
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology N/A 3.586 0.756
IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society N/A 5.951 0.650
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 2158-107X 0.954 0.801
International Journal of Computer Mathematics- Computer Systems Theory 2379-9927 0.873 0.079
International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems 1598-2645 1.360 0.034
International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing 1938-0259 1.093 0.318
International Journal of Modeling Simulation and Scientific Computing 1793-9623 1.288 0.490
International Journal of Next-Generation Computing 2229-4678 0.395 0.693
International Journal of Parallel Emergent and Distributed Systems 1744-5760 1.190 0.369
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology 1862-2976 1.257 0.047
Journal of Membrane Computing 2523-8906 3.874 0.182
Mathematical Foundations of Computing N/A 1.498 0.954
Multiagent and Grid Systems 1574-1702 0.789 0.608
Nature Computational Science N/A 11.392 0.126

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