影响因子 > > 急诊医学
ESCI-(急诊医学)-EMERGENCY MEDICINE总共收录有22“种期刊,本学科内部份期刊自2020年开始为JCR收录。
 期刊名称 ISSN 影响因子 Pindex
Advanced Journal of Emergency Medicine N/A 1.485 0.215
AEM Education and Training N/A 1.887 0.421
Annales Francaises de Medecine d Urgence 2108-6524 0.399 0.063
Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine N/A 5.458 0.029
Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine 2383-4625 1.980 0.997
Current Emergency and Hospital Medicine Reports 2167-4884 0.750 0.832
Emergency Care Journal 1826-9826 0.563 0.223
Eurasian Journal of Emergency Medicine 2149-5807 0.259 0.087
Frontiers in Emergency Medicine N/A 2.068 0.726
International Journal of Burns and Trauma 2160-2026 0.870 0.715
International Journal of Emergency Medicine 1865-1372 3.284 0.413
Journal of Acute Medicine 2211-5587 0.693 0.335
Journal of Cardiovascular Emergencies 2457-5518 0.452 0.707
Journal of Emergencies Trauma and Shock 0974-2700 1.497 0.883
Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports 2149-9934 0.173 0.205
Journal of EndoVascular Resuscitation and Trauma Management 2002-7567 0.490 0.020
Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open N/A 2.375 0.080
Open Access Emergency Medicine 1179-1500 1.563 0.211
Resuscitation Plus 2666-5204 2.500 0.211
Trauma Monthly 2251-7464 0.553 0.211
Trauma-England 1460-4086 0.671 0.211
Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine 2452-2473 0.973 0.211

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