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 期刊名称 ISSN 影响因子 Pindex
ACS Applied Bio Materials 2576-6422 4.793 0.180
Advanced NanoBiomed Research 2699-9307 3.495 0.360
Advances in Natural Sciences-Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2043-6254 2.175 0.808
e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 1348-0391 0.781 0.060
IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine 1932-4510 1.697 0.190
IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology N/A 1.781 0.421
IET Nanodielectrics N/A 2.796 0.726
International Journal of Nano Dimension 2008-8868 1.552 0.714
International Journal of Nanoscience 0219-581X 0.880 0.322
International Nano Letters 2008-9295 3.753 0.633
Journal of Nanofluids 2169-432X 4.198 0.584
Journal of Nanostructures 2251-7871 1.472 0.061
Journal of Nanotechnology 1687-9503 4.273 0.061
Micro and Nano Engineering N/A 2.487 0.404
Micro and Nano Systems Letters N/A 3.665 0.937
Nano Express N/A 3.090 0.737
Nano Hybrids and Composites 2297-3370 0.455 0.185
Nano Materials Science 2096-6482 9.952 0.107
Nanobiotechnology Reports 2635-1676 0.758 0.009
Nanofabrication 2299-680X 2.961 0.247
Nanomedicine Journal 2322-3049 1.562 0.114
Nanoscience and Technology-An International Journal 2572-4258 1.391 0.421
Nanosystems-Physics Chemistry Mathematics 2220-8054 0.974 0.165
Nanotechnologies in Construction-A Scientific Internet-Journal 2075-8545 1.286 0.073
Nanotechnologies in Russia 1995-0780 0.882 0.866
Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering 1672-6030 3.796 0.242
Nanotechnology Science and Applications 1177-8903 4.971 0.825
Physical and Chemical Aspects of the Study of Clusters Nanostructures and Nanomaterials 2226-4442 0.390 0.211
Physics and Chemistry of Solid State 1729-4428 0.773 0.211
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part N-Journal of Nanomaterials Nanoengineering and Nanosystems 2397-7914 6.083 0.211

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