影响因子 > > 劳资关系
ESCI-(劳资关系)-INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS & LABOR总共收录有22“种期刊,本学科内部份期刊自2020年开始为JCR收录。
 期刊名称 ISSN 影响因子 Pindex
Advances in Developing Human Resources 1523-4223 3.172 0.691
Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales 1131-8635 0.791 0.086
E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies 2280-4056 0.363 0.118
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal 0892-7545 1.154 0.603
Global Labour Journal 1918-6711 2.499 0.234
Indian Journal of Labour Economics 0971-7927 1.581 0.197
International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 0952-617X 0.894 0.508
International Journal on Working Conditions 2182-9535 0.283 0.675
IZA Journal of Labor Policy 2193-9004 0.565 0.464
Journal for Labour Market Research 2510-5019 1.773 0.291
Journal of Labor and Society 2471-4607 1.354 0.473
Labor-Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas 1547-6715 0.159 0.656
Labour and Industry 1030-1763 1.474 0.634
Labour-England 1121-7081 0.676 0.466
New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development 1939-4225 1.151 0.211
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies 2245-0157 1.070 0.211
Nouvelle Revue du Travail 2263-8989 0.172 0.211
Performance Improvement Quarterly 0898-5952 1.480 0.211
Revista Pegada 1676-1871 0.188 0.211
Revue de l IRES 1145-1378 0.398 0.211
Workplace-A Journal for Academic Labor 1715-0094 0.035 0.211

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