影响因子 > > 教育与教育研究
ESCI-(教育与教育研究)-EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH总共收录有774“种期刊,本学科内部份期刊自2020年开始为JCR收录。
 期刊名称 ISSN 影响因子 Pindex
Knowledge Management & E-Learning-An International Journal 2073-7904 2.498 0.129
L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature 1573-1731 0.575 0.177
Language and Literacy N/A 0.661 0.831
Language Learning in Higher Education 2191-611X 0.585 0.716
Language Learning Journal 0957-1736 2.078 0.768
Language Teaching for Young Learners 2589-2053 1.370 0.408
Language Testing in Asia N/A 2.875 0.483
Large-Scale Assessments in Education N/A 3.198 0.346
Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated-LACLIL 2011-6721 0.679 0.113
Law Teacher 0306-9400 0.896 0.768
Leadership and Policy in Schools 1570-0763 1.169 0.370
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education-Gulf Perspectives 2077-5504 1.676 0.593
Learning and Teaching-The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences 1755-2273 1.196 0.990
Learning Communities-International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts 1329-1440 1.168 0.990
LEARNing Landscapes 1913-5688 0.295 0.074
Legal Education Review 1033-2839 0.378 0.139
Linhas Criticas 1516-4896 0.151 0.771
Literacy Research and Instruction 1938-8071 1.278 0.312
London Review of Education 1474-8460 1.563 0.007
Lumen-Eighteenth-Century Studies-d Etude du Dix-Huitieme 1209-3696 0.297 0.645
Luz 1814-151X 0.173 0.060
Magis-Revista Internacional de Investigacion en Educacion 2027-1174 0.577 0.193
Malaysian Journal of ELT Research 1511-8002 0.358 0.775
Malaysian Journal of Learning & Instruction 1675-8110 1.251 0.594
MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATION 0892-0206 1.350 0.209
Mathematics and Informatics 1310-2230 0.285 0.617
McGill Journal of Education 0024-9033 0.192 0.028
MENTORING & TUTORING 1361-1267 1.265 0.454
Metodicki Ogledi-Methodical Review 0353-765X 0.256 0.456

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